The Pulse

By Armando Bellmas

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of news and issues in English and Spanish. Published every Friday.

Creative Loafing drops the i-word
“We [at Creative Loafing] think the i-word is dehumanizing and perpetuates a negative stereotype of people who come to this country in search of a better life for themselves and their families.” Creative Loafing takes a stand.

Senadores de California aprueban proyecto ‘anti-Arizona’
“El TRUST Act ayudará a que los policías locales reconstruyan la confianza entre las comunidades asiáticas, latinas y muchos otros grupos de inmigrantes que están temerosos de reportar delitos por la posibilidad de ser sujetos a la deportación a través del [programa] Secure Communities.”

How Deferred Action will help the U.S. economy
“Any policy that encourages more young people in the United States to get college degrees is a boon to the economy. The President’s deferred action initiative will encourage hundreds of thousands of unauthorized youths to improve their lives, and to give back more to the country they call home.”

Nueva Jersey ratifica ley que permite inscribir a estudiantes sin importar estatus migratorio
“Es importante que les recordemos a los distritos escolares que la situación inmigratoria de los niños, no afecta su elegibilidad para concurrir a las escuelas públicas.”

Deportation is bad
“The profound psychological and emotional impact on these children was clear: Parental detention and deportation leave long-lasting scars in their lives as well as in the lives of their parents.”

The Pulse

By Armando Bellmas, Director of Communications

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of news and issues in English and Spanish. Published every Friday.

When U.S. citizen children are forced to leave with a deported parent
“Jeffrey, like many other children whose parents have moved them to a country they do not know, seems to be teetering between catching up to his classmates and falling further behind. His parents are struggling to find work and keep their marriage together. Jeffrey, in quieter moments, said he was just trying to endure until he could go home.”

¿Qué moviliza el voto latino?
Expertos dicen que el tema de inmigración moviliza más que la economía. De cualquier manera, la movilización del voto latino para las próximas elecciones es clave, sobre todo, en los estados, como Carolina del Norte, donde la población latina es muy grande.

Young people and deferred action for DREAMers
“I am undocumented, but I am also human. I’m afraid of being deported, but I’m not afraid to fight for my rights,” said Barrios, who came to the U.S. from Guatemala at age 14. “This is the first step. This is the beginning of something productive.”

Un gran alivio para los padres de familia
“Voy a ponerme a estudiar otra vez de inmediato, porque no quiero perder esta oportunidad. Así no me voy a tener que pasar toda la vida trabajando en una cocina.”

The beneficial impact of immigrants
In regions where immigrants have settled in the past two decades, crime has gone down, cities have grown, poor urban neighborhoods have been rebuilt, and small towns that were once on life support are springing back. Why, then, has there been such a persistent backlash?

The Pulse

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of news and issues in English and Spanish. Published every Friday.

Comité pone en agenda proyecto de ley contra indocumentados
El Asamblea Legislativa de Carolina del Norte revivió el tema antiinmigrante y puso sobre agenda un proyecto de ley que negaría cualquier beneficio público a los indocumentados.

Deportations continue despite reviews
The numbers fall far short of expectations raised among immigrants, including many Latinos, when top administration officials announced they would comb through backlogged court dockets to close cases where the immigrants had strong family ties to this country and no criminal records.

Estudiantes superan obstáculos y se gradúan con honores
Tres estudiantes, quienes a pesar de no saber inglés cuando ingresaron a la escuela, han sabido sobrepasar esa barrera y ahora se gradúan con honores y tienen ya asegurados sus cupos en universidades de prestigio.

I’m not Hispanic, I’m not Latino, I’m…
Stories about how Latinos identify themselves when labels don’t fit.

Charlotte teacher helping undocumented students go to college
La Coalción super volunteer and CMS teacher Cristina Sanchez is the force behind our College Access Para Todos program.

The Pulse

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of news and issues in English and Spanish. Published every Friday.

Comité pone en agenda proyecto de ley que afectaría a indocumentados
El Asamblea Legislativa de Carolina del Norte revivió el tema antiinmigrante y puso sobre agenda un proyecto de ley que negaría cualquier beneficio público a los indocumentados.

Latino Vote in North Carolina Doubled in Last Four Years
The proportion of Hispanic voters in North Carolina has doubled since 2008.

Republican offers DREAM Act alternative
Bill would apply to undocumented students who were brought to the U.S. before age 16, who received their diplomas, kept out of trouble and were accepted to four-year colleges or universities. (The Washington Times should Drop The i Word, too.)

Dolores Huerta recibe la Medalla de la Libertad
La activista social Dolores Huerta, cofundadora del Sindicato de Trabajadores Agrícolas (UFWA, por sus siglas en inglés) para defender los derechos de los trabajadores en los cultivos de uva en California, recibió la medalla de manos del presidente Barack Obama.

States introduce fewer anti-immigrant bills
The number of immigration bills and resolutions appearing in state legislatures across the country declined steeply in the first quarter of this year, as did laws enacted.

The Pulse

By Megan Walsh

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of interesting reads. Delivered fresh every Monday.

Minorities, or ‘Children of Color’ Surpass Births in 2011
Census figures reveal that minorities now make up 50.4% of the US population under 1 year old for the first time in history.

Latino and Black Voting Power Grows in North Carolina and Florida
The number of Latino and black voters has grown in NC and Florida, though new voting restrictions could undermine their potential voting power.

Alabama Passes Awful Anti-immigrant Law Revision
The Governor of Alabama signed into effect an even harsher anti-immigrant bill, which includes provisions that require public school officials to check the status of schoolchildren.

Deportación de Gabino Sanchez Retrasada
Cientos de miembros de la comunidad, incluyendo organizaciones y religiosos, dieron su apoyo para parar la deportación de Gabino Sanchez. El Sr. Sanchez gano un alivio migratorio parcial y tendrá que presentar su caso en una audiencia privada en 2013.

Campaign Seeks to Get Registered Voters to Speak and Cast Ballot for Undocumented
In Arizona, a group of young immigrant activists urge registered voters to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

The Pulse

By Megan Walsh

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of interesting reads. Delivered fresh every Monday.

Revisions for an Alternate VAWA Bill Threaten Immigrant Women
Congress passed an alternate bill reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA Bill, which includes provisions that threaten protections towards immigrant women, their children, and other marginalized communities.

Child Immigration on the Rise
The border area has recently seen a considerable rise in the amount of children refugees from Central America. Many flee gang violence and poverty or seek to be reunited with their parents in the United States.

Colleges Examine Policies for Undocumented Students
Certain colleges lead the way in providing admission and financial assistance to students regardless of their status.

US Officials Accused of Human Rights Violations
The ACLU has filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security citing numerous cases of mistreatment towards US citizens and legal immigrants along the Mexican border.

Removal of Children from Undocumented Parents Violation of Intl. Human Rights Law
The human rights organization the Latino Policy Coalition has filed a complaint with the UN stating that, in removing children from their undocumented parents, the United States violates 6 articles of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Artist Provokes Discussion of Immigrant Labor in Beverly Hills
Street artist Ramiro Gomez erected cardboard cutouts of domestic laborers to spark discussion and highlight the immigrants who work in affluent neighborhoods.

The Pulse

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of interesting reads. Delivered fresh every Monday.

Minor policy shift for Secure Communities
Results of the Department of Homeland Security’s response to a task force report released last September which recommended changes to the agency’s Secure Communities immigration enforcement program.

Border Patrol Agents Abusing Role as Interpreters
Cited cases of interpreters abusing their roles in order to initiate deportation proceedings on Spanish speakers along the border.

House reauthorization bill threatens VAWA protections for women and children
House version of the Violence Against Women Act threatens to rollback protections for immigrant women and children who are victims of abuse.

CMS y los estudiantes latinos
Líderes latinos de todo el condado de Mecklenburg se unieron para enfrentar los desafíos educativos de sus hijos.

Who speaks Spanish the best?
Light-hearted look at which country speaks the best Spanish, with a little history thrown in.

The Pulse

By Megan Walsh

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of interesting reads. Delivered fresh every Monday.

Arizona vs. US: Supreme Court to Hear Oral Arguments
The arguments for and against Arizona’s SB1070 are scheduled to begin on Wednesday, April 25th, and the court decision is likely to take place in June.

Deporting Parents Hurts Children
Having a parent ripped away permanently, without warning, is one of the most devastating and traumatic experiences in human development. The U.S. did it over 46,000 times in a six-month period last year.

North Carolina is 1 of the Top 10 States Receiving Tax Revenue from Undocumented Immigrants
In 2010 undocumented immigrants paid over $317 million in taxes — $11.2 billion nationwide — demonstrating that, though they may lack status, these immigrants add value to the US economy.

California Committee Begins Process to Pass Guest Worker Bill
The immigration bill would allow undocumented agricultural and service-sector workers to legally stay in the state.

US Latino Community One of Top 20 Economies in World
A new report released by Nielsen highlights that the US Latino market should not be ignored and can be targeted just as much as Latin American countries.

The Pulse

The Pulse is a weekly roundup of interesting reads. Delivered fresh every Monday.

Undocumented Immigrants have Negligible Impact on Wages
The new study confirms that undocumented workers have a negligible impact on the wages of documented workers, and that there is no evidence of displacement of documented workers when firms hire undocumented workers.

Undocumented immigration hits “Net Zero” in US
The number of undocumented immigrants migrating to the US from Mexico drops to net zero, spurred by a weaker US economy, anti-immigrant sentiment and border violence.

“I don’t know when immigrants became the enemy”
Condoleezza Rice criticizes the nation’s stance on immigration.

Second Generation Americans Showing Potential Voting Power
Immigrants and their children are showing great growth and voting potential, and political candidates should feel pressure to take notice.

Padre Mexicano Continúa Lucha por Custodia de sus Hijos
El Mexicano, que fue deportado en Diciembre de Carolina del Norte, continua luchando por custodia de sus hijos Americanos.

The Pulse

By Megan Walsh


The Pulse is a weekly roundup of interesting reads. Delivered fresh every Monday.

States Proposing Tuition Equality for Undocumented Immigrants
While many states have enforced draconian anti-immigrant laws that end up leaving youths unable to continue higher education, others are taking progressive steps to push for better access to higher education for undocumented students.

Compania Financial Dona Fondos Para Ayudar a Estudiantes Indocumentados
Western Union dono a 25 mil dolares para ayudar a estudiantes indocumentados como parte del DREAM Act de Illinois.

Nannies, Farm Workers and Laborers Exempt from SC Immigration Checks
Mandatory SC immigration checks leave loopholes for nannies, laborers, and pastors which, ironically, are the positions that most undocumented immigrants currently hold.

White House Sends Delegation to Meet with NC Latinos
White house officials met with Latinos in NC to discuss immigration, health care and jobs, as well as listen to other concerns of the Latino community.

US Policies Encourage Immigrants to Stay
Though the United States has enacted laws to improve the nation’s immigration system, these policies have unintentionally encouraged immigrants to remain in the United States.